Saturday, 27 September 2008

Splash of colour - Peebles Hydro

Liz Reid in the baking heat of Sicily

On the menu at Ravello: Wedding of the Day. Seated are Maggi Fenton and Gordon Fenton from Dalgety Bay (Photographed by Ninian Reid, September 2008)

Resisting the tempation of another icecream: Gordon Fenton from Dalgety Bay in Ravello, Italy 2008

Town Square, Ravello 2008

Town Square, Ravello 2008, originally uploaded by Ninian Reid.

Gordon Fenton (Dalgety Bay) makes his way to the town centre, Ravello , Italy 2008

Informal wedding watchers: Maggi Fenton (Dalgety Bay) and Liz Reid (Colinton). Ravello 2008

Wedding scene, Ravello 2008

Wedding scene, Ravello 2008, originally uploaded by Ninian Reid.

Wedding scene, Ravello 2008

Wedding scene, Ravello 2008, originally uploaded by Ninian Reid.

Wedding scene, Ravello 2008

Wedding scene, Ravello 2008, originally uploaded by Ninian Reid.

Liz Reid, Maggi Fenton, Gordon Fenton in Ravello 2008

Gordon Fenton (Dalgety Bay) , Maggi Fenton (centre) and Liz Reid, Ravello 2008

The Fenton's from Dalgety Bay admire the scenery from Ravello, 2008

Gordon Fenton, Maggi Fenton & Liz Reid at the Hotel Parsifal, Ravello 2008 PICT2723