Saturday, 31 January 2009

Liz Reid in Ravello, Italy with the fabulous, red-tiled Hotel Parsifal in the background

The stunning view from the Hotel Parsifal, Ravello, Italy

The fruit-rich garden of the Hotel Parsifal, Ravello, Italy

Colour, charm and exceptional beauty while staying at the Hotel Parsifal, Ravello, Italy

Tranqulity at the Hotel Parsifal, Ravello (Italy)

Oranges, Hotel Parisfal, Ravello

Once upon a time at the Southern Reporter, Selkirk High Street DSCF0073

Selkirk Town Centre, Scottish Borders DSCF0072

Colinton Dell DSCF0006

Colinton Dell DSCF0006, originally uploaded by Ninian Reid.