Monday, 4 February 2013

Hotel Parsifal, Ravello, Colinton etc Ninian Reid 431

Brothers Alastair Reid and Ninian Reid in 3D

Somerfield, Berwick

Somerfield, Berwick by Ninian Reid
Somerfield, Berwick, a photo by Ninian Reid on Flickr.

Changing face of Berwick DSCF0068

Berwick Advertiser , Berwickshire News DSCF0067

Spylaw Street, Colinton

Spylaw Street, Colinton by Ninian Reid
Spylaw Street, Colinton, a photo by Ninian Reid on Flickr.

Colinton's "Ice Cream" Wedding

Tyre-spinning drama:The brave mechanics from Waddell's Garage, Spylaw Street to the rescue again in icy Colinton

Reasons to be cheerful: Colinton burial ground

Winter in Colinton: Foot of Spylaw Street, 1600 hours Tuesday December 7

Thanks to the El Paso Times: Arditti NOT Guilty ! Here in Scotland, we're greatly cheered by the verdict

Tollcross fire and rescue drama

Colinton born and bred (and proud of it), Mr George Edwards