Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Mike Atkins, Gordon Fenton (Cuba)

Jelly fish, Cuba

Jelly fish, Cuba, originally uploaded by Ninian Reid.

The gleeful face of a heavy (Selkirk) smoker, Mr James Hope

Sturdy-faced Andrew Mercer, possibly contemplating his own mortality at Lauder in the Scottish Borders 001_25

Anne-Marie, Colinton Post Office

Early Victorian photograph of an old man smiling: Colonel Alban Gwynne (born 1783)

The gleeful face of a heavy (Selkirk) smoker

Campbell, Lauder, Marmalade

Campbell, Lauder, Marmalade, originally uploaded by Ninian Reid.

Ninian Reid

Ninian Reid, originally uploaded by Ninian Reid.

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Che, Cuba

Che, Cuba, originally uploaded by Ninian Reid.

Unwelcome sight, Water of Leith