Monday, 19 October 2009

New kids on the Ravello hotel block

New kids on the Ravello hotel block

Ravello cafe owner with Dundee connections !

Mobile man, Ravello

Mobile man, Ravello, originally uploaded by Ninian Reid.

Autumn colours, Colinton (Oct 19, 2009)

J Gunn, Spylaw Street - building for a better future

Allermuir, Woodhall Road, Colinton - in all its autumn glory

Water of Leith , garlanded in autumn leaves, Colinton, October 19th, 2009

Not to sniffed at # 33 Woodhall Road, Colinton

Leonardo Mansi, Hotel Parsifal

Antonio Mansi, Hotel Parsifal

A festive memory from Craw Wood , Tweedbank (Mr and Mrs Duncan)

Mark Thatcher(aka Reverend George Whyte formerly of Colinton Parish Church) makes the front page DSCF0053

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Family members at the Hotel Parsifal in Ravello, Italy, September 2008

Award-winning Scottish Sunday Express columnist and author Nicola Barry in her adopted Colinton

Havana International Airport, Cuba - 2009

Iain Walker of the Mail on Sunday obituary (1)

Iain Walker of the Mail on Sunday obituary (2)

Iain Walker of the Mail on Sunday obituary (3)

Award-winning Scottish Sunday Express columnist and author Nicola Barry in her adopted Colinton

This is Coll and his "Mum", Scottish Sunday Express columnist Nicola Barry (en route to Tesco, Colinton Mains) Not in the photograph - Express journalist Alastair Murray, Coll's "Dad"

Molly Mackintosh near the spot where she had her nasty fall in 2004. I'm glad to report she's gone on to make a full recovery !

Molly Mackintosh, Walkerburn (recovering from a nasty fall in 2004)

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Glorious autumn descends on Colinton's Sugar Rush coffee house

This is Coll and his "Mum", Scottish Sunday Express columnist Nicola Barry (en route to Tesco, Colinton Mains) Not in the photograph - Express journalist Alastair Murray, Coll's "Dad"

Iain Walker of the Daily Mail obituary (3)

Iain Walker of the Daily Mail obituary (2)

Iain Walker of the Daily Mail obituary (3)

Bizarrely abandoned Malborough cigarettes near Bonaly Primary School, Edinburgh

Former Daily Express, Daily Telegraph journalist Ian Brodie

Local baseball on Cuban television, January 2009